Scunnered in Barcelona

Mar 24, 2013 by

Or, how a peace-loving vegetarian was turned into a screaming banshee googling ‘shooting ranges in Barcelona’. This wasn’t the...

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Barcelona and the two faces of...

Jan 30, 2013 by

January in Barcelona has the ability to sidle its way innocuously into your life. There’s none of the wailing and gnashing of teeth...

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The Big Flat Flit

Dec 23, 2012 by

‘To flit’ in Scotland means to move house. I like the winsomeness of the word. Its sound, its capriciousness, its way of conveying so...

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Sick in Spain (part two)

Nov 18, 2012 by

Saturday 5am An inner evacuation process has begun. The pup whines, looks confused, and licks the back of my leg in sympathy. 3pm I...

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Sick in Spain (part one)

Oct 25, 2012 by

This wasn’t quite how I’d imagined writing my next blog post – one-fingered, elbow cranked at an angle to work...

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Dog days in Barcelona

Sep 13, 2012 by

Blog guilt has been plaguing me recently. I am patently not Prolific Enough. This particular form of self-reproach is a new...

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