British and homeless in Barcel...

Aug 30, 2016 by

“You’re from Scotland, aren’t you?” It’s just after ten on a chilly Saturday night in March, I’m rummaging in the depths of a...

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The A-Z of Spanish politics

Feb 13, 2016 by

I was originally toying with the idea of writing this post back in December, then got sidetracked with tinselly things in the run-up...

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The financial reality of (my) ...

Nov 15, 2015 by

Glancing through an article on The Guardian about the  woes of the UK housing market, I came across this stirring advice from a...

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Does living abroad give you a ...

Mar 2, 2014 by

A few months back, as I was cursing the detritus of a burst teabag in my morning cup of Earl Grey (in shall-we-say somewhat brisk...

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13 things I would change about...

Jun 19, 2013 by

If you’re reading this from the UK, I can imagine what you’re thinking right now. Churlish bint. She gets to live a life...

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Two years in – how Barce...

Apr 25, 2013 by

A colleague of mine took the day off work recently. This wouldn’t have been noteworthy in itself, except that it was a random...

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