Poblet Monastery in Catalonia ...

Jan 17, 2016 by

A whippet wind and oddly washy sky were badgering us out of Barcelona on the day of my birthday, as we wended west, heading for...

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9 best Barcelona beer gardens

Aug 16, 2015 by

Barcelona has been a sweatbox of a city for months on end now, with the trusty old trope of “¡Es la humedad!” trotted out...

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Beyond Barcelona – day trips f...

Jun 22, 2015 by

After more than four years living la vida local in Barcelona, I have to admit I feel I’ve exhausted every major day trip destination...

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Caldes de Montbui – Span...

Jul 20, 2014 by

Barcelona day trippers, you’re going to like this. If you’ve already sunbathed in Sitges, made like a monk around Montserrat...

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Chasing waterfalls in Cataloni...

Jun 3, 2014 by

Next Monday, the 9th of June, is a bank holiday here in Barcelona (at last a long weekend!), and if you’re stuck for ideas in the...

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The glutton’s guide to g...

Apr 29, 2014 by

Wheat. It gets about a bit. Whether you’re among the increasing number of people being diagnosed with Coeliac Disease (an...

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