Blogs on Barcelona

Albion Food and Events – run  by the nicest gourmand you will ever meet, the Yorkshire-born Claire Gledhill, this food and private catering company in Barcelona converts quality Spanish ingredients into lip-smackingly good British and Mediterranean fare. Claire’s blog covers life from the perspective of a long-term British immigrant to Barcelona, with a special focus on the city eateries that make life here so appetising.

Barcelona besotted – a photo-based blog writen by an Australian that shows off the city in the best possible light.

Barcelona Blonde – was delighted to discover that I’m not the only one suffering at the hands of the Spanish inability to pronounce the letter ‘J’. Follow Jessica’s adventures as she maintains her on/off relationship with Spain.

Barcelona Street Scraps – “the canvas is the street”, says Brian, who captures the street art images that adorn this photo-heavy blog. I walk past most of these in real life without noticing, but somehow, captured here, they’re elevated from the transient to the noteworthy.

Barcelonette – dating back all the way to 2006, Xenia’s blog covers all that’s cool from the Catalan capital – culture, fashion, lifestyle trends, gourmet restaurants and all the latest looks.

Expat in Spain – from the prosaic (‘how to get a non-lucrative residency visa’) to the political (perroflautas and their podencos) to the downright personal (‘open letter to Spanish ladies who wear leggings as trousers’), Ellory’s blog covers it all.

Fleas and Dogs in Barcelona – gorgeously written and thumpingly thought-provoking, Nithika’s blog comes at you from the heart of the rough-and-ready Raval neighbourhood of big bad Barcelona.

Foodie in Barcelona – whether you’re planning a low-key Sunday brunch with friends or a full-on Michelin-starred feast with someone special, check out Suzan’s blog before you do absolutely anything else.

Homage to BCN – with a nod to Orwell’s Homage to Catalonia, this site spans the full gamut of topics related to life and events in the city.

Latitude 41 – originally from California and now married and raising two small kids, Justine has been in Barcelona since 2008. Follow her insights as she bars no holds in her Barcelona chronicles.